Sunday, July 31, 2011

Getting Closer

As of today, Transformers: Dark of the Moon is sitting at an estimated $982,892,000 and is oh so close to the $1 billion dollar mark.  DOTM still holds a slight advantage over Harry Potter as the highest grossing movie since Pirates 4.  Here are some highlights for TF3 at the box office.
- #9 in worldwide total gross (all time)
- #1 in domestic total gross (2011)
- #19 in domestic total gross (all time)
- #12 in domestic total gross for a PG-13 movie (all time)
- #1 in worldwide total gross for a TF movie (all time)
- #3 in domestic total gross for a 3D movie (all time)
- #1 in domestic total on July 4th weekends (all time)
- #1 in domestic total gross for a 3D movie (2011)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Almost There

According to Box Office Mojo, Transformers: Dark of the Moon is sitting at an estimated total of $926,051,172 as of July 27th.  This does not include any foreign ticket sales since July 24th.  So, it is now almost official: TF3 will reach $1 billion.  Over the weekend, Captain America was #1 at the US box office ($65 mill.), followed by Harry Potter ($47.4 mill.), Friends With Benefits ($18.6 mill.), Transformers ($12 million) and Horrible Bosses ($11.8 mill.)  DOTM is now #14 on the all time list at the box office.

Also, everyone be happy for Japan!  Transformers: Dark of the Moon opens tomorrow!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Transformers DOTM News Trivia Challenge

See the rules at the end of the video! You may answer here or on YouTube. There will be two small prizes. 1.The question you ask (see rules) will be answered. 2.I will promote your YouTube page (if you have one) on this site and on the next episode of The Marlee and Mike Show.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

DOTM Review Part 3

Before watching the video, I would like to inform everyone that Transformers: Dark of the Moon is now the highest grossing Transformers live action movie!  Now, here is part 3 of 3 of my DOTM review!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

DOTM Catching ROTF

Transformers: Dark of the Moon is sitting at $813,374,967 as of July 22nd, which is very close to ROTF's total ($836,297,228).  Also, remember that Japan and China have yet to see DOTM in theaters and that should at least give TF3 another $100-200 million at the box office.  Remember to go see TF3 more than once!  I will probably be going for a third time before it is no longer in theaters.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DOTM News Catch-Up

In video game news, Sideswipe DLC is now available for PS3 and XBOX users on Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Game.  You can purchase him for use on online games for $1(US).  Also, tentative covers for the Transformers: Dark of the Moon Blu-Ray and DVD have been revealed thanks to

As of July 18th,  DOTM has raked in $305,717,867 domestically and has a total of $771,847,973.  Over the weekend, it took in $21,328,545.  I am now almost certain that it will reach $1 billion.

Note: Part 3 of my review should be up by the end of the week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Transformers vs. Harry Potter: The War Begins

With the last Harry Potter movie now in theaters, Transformers: Dark of the Moon has some competition.  Already, Harry Potter has taken in $126 million dollars and it has smashed midnight showing records.  A majority has come from international ticket sales.  Right now, Dark of the Moon is sitting at $705,419,010 and is closing in on ROTF's total and the $1 billion mark.  The question is, will Harry Potter kill DOTM's ticket sales?  Only time will tell.  So that means, go see Transformers: Dark of the Moon!

Transformers Trilogy Music Video

Here is a fan made music video that takes scenes from all three Transformers movies. The song is a remix of "Machine Gun" by Noisia (Which appears in a couple of TF3 TV spots) and was edited by Keith Carunida.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

DOTM Review Part 2

Here is part 2 of 3 of my Transformers: Dark of the Moon Review.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hong Kong DOTM Toys Ad

DOTM Review Part 1

DO NOT read on or watch the video if you have not seen the movie.

As promised, here is my review/synopsis of Transformers: Dark of the Moon.  It totals about 35 minutes, so it will be broken into 3 parts.  This is part 1 and part 2 will be coming in a day or two.  Part 1 reviews from the beginning to the bar scene with Simmons, Sam and Dutch.  Also, after finishing the video, I realized that I forgot to talk about the scene with Laserbeak as a pink Bumblebee.  Who thought that was creepy?  I thought was the weirdest scene in the trilogy!  What a sinister, evil bird!  So, anyways, here's the video.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fallen Autobot Tribute Video

Here is a video remembering ________, who died in Transformers: Dark of the Moon.  Take a look after the jump.

DOTM Weekend Totals

Transformers: Dark of the Moon took in $47 million in the US over the weekend which is 52% less than its first weekend at the box office.  Although, it is less of a drop than what ROTF had in its second weekend (61%).  Since Harry Potter will be released Friday, this is probably the last time TF3 will be first at the box office, but I expect that DOTM will end up making more in the end.  As of July 10th (according to Box Office Mojo), TF3 is sitting at an estimated $656,767,753.  60.2% percent of this is from international ticket sales.
Also, I have decided to not make a written review like I said I would, but I will be making a video review with a friend of mine later today.  I figured it would be easier to make a video review because I wanted to go into detail, which would've taken a long time to write.  I should have that up on YouTube tonight or tomorrow morning.

Oh, and I went to Walmart today and picked up a Deluxe Class Crankcase (and of course the fingers were chopped off....) and I thought it was funny that they were all out of Ironhide figures.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

35 Things You Should Have Learned While Watching DOTM

Thanks to the TFW2005 forum members for these.  I picked my favorites.  See the rest here.

1. Never trust a pink Bumblebee.

2. Don't invite a pink Bumblebee for tea parties.

3. Megatron talks to animals.

4. Jerry Wang likes exotic milk.

5. Sam still screams like a little girl.

More Totals and Prime's Speech

Box Office Mojo reports that Transformers: Dark of the Moon has taken in about $558,084,874 as of today.  So far, TF3 is crushing "Horrible Bosses" and "Zookeeper" at the box office.  Of course, it will probably hit a bit of a speed bump in 5 days when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II comes out.  But, if DOTM can survive that and reach about $800 million, it should be able to reach $1 billion with the help of China and Japan, where DOTM will be released at the end of the month.

Also, if any of you are trying to remember Optimus Prime's final speech from TF3, here it is: (slight spoiler in the speech)

"In any war there are calms between storms. There will be days when we loose faith, days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come when we forsake this planet... and it's people."

Bay to Return?


Now that "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" is approaching the $500 million mark in just eight days, Paramount Pictures has been talking about continuing the franchise, instead of rebooting it.

When the first "Transformers" hit theaters, director Michael Bay revealed that he'll direct as many installments as fans want. But lately he's been claiming that he's done with the franchise.

But during a recent screening, Bay didn't sound very confidant that he won't be returning. "This is bittersweet because this is PROBABLY the last one for me," he said. When the crowd seemed disappointed, the helmer added: "Last night it opened in America and did somewhere like $50 million dollars. Now in movie speak, $50 million in one day, on a Wednesday, that's freaking awesome. So..."

Sounds like if Paramount throws enough money at him and gives him some time to work on "Pain and Gain," he would be willing to return.

Read more:

DOTM in Stores November 15th

According to, Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be released for Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and DVD on November 15th.
Note: Not an official cover.

Friday, July 8, 2011

2 New TV Spots

TF3 DOTM "Best Summer" from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

TF3 DOTM "Our Fight" from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

Fastest to $500 Million

Transformers: Dark of the Moon has set another record: Fasted to reach $500 million worldwide!

- Dark of the Moon surpasses both "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" in how fast it took to get to $500 million worldwide (PotC:OST and PotC:aWE took 10 days, DOTM took 8)
- Dark of the Moon is sitting at $214 million domestically
- And while it may be staggering to believe, Dark of the Moon has earned $297.1 million in foreign markets
- Dark of the Moon has yet to open in China or Japan, which combined, could contribute up to $100 to $150 million to the total grossings

Starscream Clip

Jason Statham in TF4? FALSE

Michael Bay has posted this on his forum, Shoot for the Edit:

"No completely false. No 4 th Transformers movie even exists right now. Thus no one is being considered at this time. How bout, just enjoy the movie out right now."


DOTM Sets IMAX Record

To start off, I would like to state something off topic:  This is my 200th post!

Transformers: Dark of the Moon has broken an IMAX record according to  IMAX showings generated $23.1 million in global ticket sales over the holiday weekend, ringing up $14 million domestically.

5 Things About DOTM's Visual Effects

1) The Driller has 70,051 parts (7x number Prime has).
2) Took 288 hours per frame to render Driller destroying the CGI building.
3) 3D essentially created twice the work with the left eye image and then the right eye being rendered.
4) For final week before deadline, all of ILM's render farm was used for movie or 2000,000 render hours (or 22.8 years) per day.
5) "Secret Sauce" used to make images extra sharp and brighter.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

DOTM One Week Total

According to Box Office Mojo, Transformers: Dark of the Moon has made $486,078,414 worldwide in its first week.  $204,421,287 of this has come from the US.  TF2 made a total of $836,297,228, so it looks as if DOTM has a chance of surpassing it and it should be right around the $1 billion mark.

DOTM Hits Stores in November

Transformers: Dark of the Moon can be in your possession this November.  Here is how it will be released:
  • Trilogy Pack
  • 3D Combo Pack (Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy)
  • Combo Pack (Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy)
  • Collector's Edition (rumored to have a transformable head with the disc inside)

New TV Spot

Here is a TV spot recorded by me.  It has some footage that hasn't been in the others.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th Totals

Transformers: Dark of the Moon took in $18.9 million in the US on the 4th of July which gives TF3 a total of $116.5 million since Friday.  DOTM has taken the crown away from Spider-Man 2 as the most successful July 4th weekend at the box office.  By the end of last night, it had made a total of $416 million worldwide (almost halfway to $1 billion!).  It's hard to believe, but at 9:00pm tonight, DOTM will have been in theaters for a week.  This means we can start another countdown clock:  Only a couple of months until the DVD/Blu-Ray release!

Monday, July 4, 2011

DOTM Stop Motion Trailer

Check out this awesome video of a stop motion version of the DOTM trailer.  Thanks to William from Facebook for the link.  I'm guessing he's the one that made it, but correct me if I'm wrong.  Enjoy!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

DOTM 5 Day Total

Box Office Mojo has stated that DOTM has taken in $162.1 million in the US and $372,125,000 worldwide.  $97.4 million of the US total has come from this weekend.  I believe that Transformers: Dark of the Moon might have a shot at hitting the $1 billion mark.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

More Concept Art

I was upset when I saw this picture of the Jeff Gordon version of Roadbuster.  I'm a huge Gordon fan and I would've loved to see his car in the movie.  Oh well.  Maybe they'll make a toy repaint with the original design.  Check out more concept art at

Friday, July 1, 2011

Megatron Concept Art

Hey guys. Just got back from seeing TF3 for the second time. I felt that it was even better. Here is some concept art of Megatron in Dark of the Moon.

'The Island' Featured in DOTM

Iridescent 3D Video

Here is the Iridescent music video in 3D.  View it on YouTube to pick the type of 3D glasses you will be using to view it.

Songs from the Score (My Favorites)

These are my two favorite songs from Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Score.  Enjoy!  I will be adding these to the 'Music' page.

DOTM The Score CD Delayed

From Steve Jablonsky:
Nice to hear from you. As you probably know the score is now up on iTunes. The physical CD situation has been more complicated. I finished the album weeks ago, but we didn't actually finalize it until a few days ago. Michael Bay is really happy with the score and he wanted to check out the album before it went out. As you might imagine, he's a busy dude. He's been flying all over the world promoting TF3, making it difficult to get approval. But I was happy that he wanted to be a part of the soundtrack and I did not want to release anything before he had his say. The record company tells me they need 4-6 weeks to get the album produced and into stores, which would put us into August at this point. A lot of discussion went into this, but the decision was made to wait on the physical CD, and release some kind of special edition alongside the blu-ray release (maybe autographed copies or other goodies, we don't know yet).

I know people are probably disappointed. Believe me I wish I could get physical CD's out there tomorrow. But it's just the way things went this time around. I can see why Paramount would rather not release a score CD almost 2 months after the movie release. To them it makes more sense to do something special around the blu-ray/DVD. I understand that.

So anyone interested in a CD should rest assured that it WILL happen. It just won't happen until later in the year unfortunately.

These big movies are so complex sometimes!! I hope you've been well!


TF3 First Day Totals

On it's first day, including the early Tuesday showings, Transformers: Dark of the Moon made $79.4 million.  $36.6 million came from International box office sales.  This is, although, less than what TF2 hauled in domestically.  In 2009, TF2 took in $62 million from the US alone.  However, TF3 did make more internationally than Revenge of the Fallen.  Dark of the Moon made more than Avatar's first day, so hope is not yet lost at breaking some records.