Michael Bay left an interesting little message on his
website about Transformers 4:
I squashed a rumor that was on the internet last week. It was about Mark
Walhberg. Mark was rumored to be staring in Transformers 4. We are working on
another movie together, not T4. I had such a great time working with Mark on
Pain and Gain, and he gave such a great performance – well let’s say that very
internet chatter gave me some ideas. We are at the inception of our story
process right now on T4. Let’s say some ideas are gaining traction with me and
my writer – so I’m here to say thanks internet chatter.
It seems like Bay liked a couple ideas that were posted online. They could be from TFW2005, Seibertron, his own forum or any other place on the web. Do you think one of your ideas was noticed by Mr. Bay himself? What do you think about him using ideas from the internet? Comment below!
I think it's awesome that he's finally listening to the fans ,and I can't wait to see what they come up with for Transformers 4!!!!