Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Allspark Returns in TF4?

The Allspark could make a return to the Transformers live action franchise in Transformers 4, according to NPR. My assumption is that if this rumor is true, the Cube would return as some sort of flashback. TFW2005's summary of what was talked about on the radio station is below:

"Randall Thropp, a Paramount archivist, recoils in mock fear from the power of the AllSpark as set decorator Rosemary Brandenburg takes it from the glass case. The AllSpark was used as a prop in Transformers; it may have another life in an upcoming sequel."

A little movie factoid: The AllSpark Cube was technically a prop in the first Transformers, because an actor actually touched and even ran with it. Brandenburg thinks the cube might make a reappearance in Transformers 4 as set decoration. It's too early to tell. But archivist Randall Thropp says that unfortunately, she can't take the AllSpark and use it in the film.

"That is the only cube we have, right here," Thropp says. It resides in a glass showcase.

Brandenburg can borrow the cube and make copies, though. "A movie set is a pretty dangerous place for things," she says. "We have to repair things constantly. Our special-effects brothers and sisters are running around blowing things up, and our stunt brothers and sisters, too."

Brandenburg often has to make multiple copies of items because of all those blowups.

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