Thursday, November 15, 2012

China Another Possible Filming Location for TF4

The Transformers 4 news just keeps pouring in like a flood. Vulture reports that China is being considered as a filming location for the movie. It seems like the decision to film there would be for political reasons more than anything. If China is showcased in Transformers 4, along with their military, there is a better chance that it will be shown in theaters there with a release date that doesn't conflict with any other big blockbusters. While the United States' ticket sales have dropped in recent years, China's has risen 35% in the past year. From a money making standpoint, it is important that the film is released in China. Vulture also points out that the rumor going around about Transformers 4 being shot in Thailand could be a negotiating strategy. It shows China that there are other options.

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