Michael Bay made a post on the
S4TE forums saying that the title rumors seen on multiple websites are indeed false. What? What rumors? What title? This makes no sense. After searching the web and finding absolutely no rumored Transformers 4 titles, Nelson, the admin of S4TE, sent me a link to one website that mentioned
Transformers: Rise of Galvatron. First of all, this was only one website, not multiple ones. Secondly, I have never even heard of this website before. I don't understand Michael Bay's concern over this. It's interesting that Bay addressed something this miniscule. What do you think about this? Comment below!
"There are rumors flying around from various media sites about the title of the next Transformers.
I wanted you to hear from me directly that we have not yet chosen a title and anything being reported is absolutely not true.
When we have a title to announce, I promise you will hear it from me first."
Well, ever since DOTM came out, rumors broke out about a "Rise of Galvatron" or "Rise of Unicron" broke out, and I've seen alot of people fall for it. Glad he officialy denied it so people won't get confused anymore.