One year ago today, Transformers: Dark of the Moon was released in select theaters at 9pm while others got to see it three hours later. So in honor of that day, I want you guys to comment below and tell your DOTM story. What happened when you saw the movie for the first time and how excited were you? I remember that I went to an 8:40pm 3D showing on June 28th with a couple friends. The anticipation was killing me and while driving to the theater, I could not believe that I was about to see the movie. One and my friends and I got there about 20 minutes before the movie started. (We had all gotten our tickets earlier that day) My other friend that was attending though was running late and just barely got there on time. The theater was a little more than half full, but I expected that because not too many people knew about this early showing. It wasn't packed, but it was one of the best audiences I've seen a movie with. Every funny part was laughed at and everyone applauded at the end. I even remember that at the beginning of the movie when Carly was walking up the staircase, a guy in front of me leaned over to his kid and said, "Now that's the kind of Transformer I like to see," which got a good laugh out of the people around us. After watching the amazing movie, my friends and I went out to the lobby to find a very, very long line for the midnight showing of DOTM. One of my friends walked up to a guy standing in line and asked, "What movie are you guys seeing?" The guy almost instantaneously shouted, "Mr. Popper's Penguins!" My friend then had a funny expression realizing that was a stupid question. I really had trouble sleeping that night because I just couldn't stop thinking about how awesome that movie was.
So what's your story? Comment below about how your DOTM experience was and if there are enough stories, I'm going to compile them into an upcoming post!
Photo from TF: DOTM Unofficial FB page
I remembergoing i beleive a few weeks after it came out. I was in Visalia, CA with my cousins and aunt. The theatre was well packed with people. The night before we we went I was so excited I.couldn't sleep because I am a VERY huge fan of Transformers although the only person missing from the movie was Megan. I did miss her the movie wasnt the same without her although Rosie wasnpretty good
ReplyDeleteI went the second/third day it was released on June 30. I saw it in 3D, and like a lot of people said, the 3D was great. The day before, I was gonna go see it but it got too late. So I decided to watch Transformers 1 and 2 again before I saw the third one the next day.
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly in the theater they're weren't many people, probably because I went so early in the day and it was a 3D viewing. I didn't know what else to think after I saw the movie. Once I got home I just went in my backyard and thought over what I saw. It was like something so huge just occurred to me I had to think it through to allow blood to continue its flow to my brain. It took me forever to post my review on my blog. I could only find good things to say about it, and I new that people would think I'd only be saying the great things because I'm a Transformers fan.
I got the Blu Ray and DVD on my birthday from both my mom and my dad (my mom and dad didn't know one of them already bought it for me, so my dad returned the one he bought lol) and I was very excited to own my favorite film!
In little Old Cedar City i Went the first night was like the 25th person in and got seats middle-middle. i remember seeing the previews and everyone not paying attention till it says not your feature presentation and the whole audience started to yell there heads off. including me.. but we all commented after the movie that were coming to the next morning show at 5 ish am no sleep just camped out again.
ReplyDeletei remember walking through the door where the movie was being held. I was so excited to see this movie, but we came late so we had to sit up front. But i didnt care because i didnt know this movie would make me a big time fan. After watching this movie I wanted to know everything about these guys. When i saw Ironhide die, I cried, when i saw them leave in the rocket and blow up i also cried
ReplyDeleteThis changed my life, but im also a little imbarrased because my family makes fun of me by saying im too much of a fan. I would love support! Thank you for reading <3 MOVIE OF MY LIFE