Casting director Maryellen Aviano sat down with Fox Detroit News to announce that open auditions are being held in the city of Detroit. The casting began yesterday and will last until 3pm today. She also discussed the new cars and mentioned the word Corvettes. That's right, Corvettes as in plural or more than one. This could've been just a simple mistake or maybe it was a slip up on her part by possibly revealing another Corvette before Michael Bay announces it on his website. Aviano also mentioned that Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson will be missed, which pretty much gives a confirmation that they will not appear in Transformers 4 at all. Both were rumored to have small cameos, which I guess could still happen, but everything seems to be pointing towards their departure from the franchise. Also, something unrelated to the interview is that Michael Bay Dot Com tweeted that two of the Autobot vehicles will be German cars. One is the Bugatti and the other we have yet to see. I'm personally hoping for the Gumpert Apollo. Below you can watch the interview. If it does not play for you, click the above link.
Fox 2 News Headlines
The other Corvette is sideswipe