Friday, June 28, 2013

TF4: Argosy Freightliner Truck

A new vehicle has been revealed by Michael Bay Dot Com. This truck is a 2014 Argosy cab-over by Freightliner. The color of the lights seem to point towards an Autobot, but there is a lot more than meets the eye with this photo. I'm almost positive that it's photoshopped with the colors of the truck being removed as to not easily give away the identity of the Transformer. By looking at the truck's surroundings, you can see that everything is black and white. The only true colors in this photo are the blue lights. To add to the mystery, let's take a look at a Twitter conversation between a fan and S4TE admin, Nelson:
Update: This truck has been spotted on-set and that is indeed the color.


  1. It's def Nemesis or either Galvatron

  2. could also be Grimlock

  3. I really, really hope Nemesis is not in this movie. I've had enough of the "evil Prime" trend (Fallen, Sentinel). Nelson's reaction is making me think Grimlock.

    Btw, megaprime, are you on TFW2005 now? There's a user named Megaprime1007 and he dissed me haha

  4. Does any one know if its decepticon or autobot?

  5. Motormaster! Stunticons could work in a live action movie as long as they combined into a robot instead of something stupid... Like how they made the Constructicons turn into that ridiculous gorilla thing...

  6. it is galvatron. case dissmissed.


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